Friday, June 10, 2011

ASOP #41 - Fact, Not Fable

By Pat Byrnes, MSPA, EA, MAAA

The actuarial profession has a common Code of Conduct, an Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline (ABCD) and an Actuarial Standards Board (ASB). One of the ASB’s Actuarial Standards of Practice (ASOP # 41) is entitled “Actuarial Communications.” It went into effect in May 1, 2011 and covers all forms of actuarial communication (including emails and verbal conversations). The goal of ASOP #41 is to provide guidelines for clear communication and to acknowledge that “communication is an ongoing and interactive process.”

ASOP #41 may change the process that actuaries follow, the amount, or format, of materials we communicate to your clients. The goal is to have our Plan Sponsors be better informed throughout the year of the status of their Defined Benefit or Cash Balance plans. We are committed to do this at the least possible cost.

ACI is a pro-active firm, dedicated to protecting your clients while positioning them for a great retirement. ASOP #41 compliance is a perfect example of this. Please call us should you have any questions.

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