Thursday, June 17, 2010

IRS Questionnaire Update

By Yariel Chiong

We recently contacted our clients and advisors to let them know that the IRS is conducting a random Compliance Check of 1,200 401(k) Plans. Plan Sponsors who received the questionnaire have 90 days (without) extension to complete and return it. Not completing the questionnaire automatically will result in an IRS audit.

Plan Sponsors should make sure to provide complete and factual answers to the detailed questions regarding their 401(k) plans. Not understanding, or partially answering questions may result in costly enforcement by the IRS. Immediately contact your ACI administrator who can help you answer these questions on a time and charges basis.

The purpose of the IRS questionnaire is to determine the following:

  1. Potential compliance issues
  2. Any operational Issues
  3. Additional education and outreach guidance that may be helpful for the IRS to provide plan sponsors to improve compliance
NOTE: Some multiple question answers provided are unacceptable under the law and will lead to an IRS audit. There are also similar questions repeated throughout the questionnaire, and plan sponsors should be aware of the relationship between the questions. Be careful not to inadvertently answer a question which is legally unacceptable unless it is factually the correct answer.

If you have received a questionnaire contact your plan administrator with the compliance questions. We will answer these questions for you.

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