Friday, April 2, 2010

Do It Right The First Time

-By Tobi Cogswell

We recently took over two cases from another Third Party Administration firm. We got these cases because:
  • The other firm wasn’t pro-active. Everything was done last minute or after the fact.
  • The other firm did no consulting. No choices were ever discussed with the plan sponsor.
  • The other firm did not look at the plan design and make changes at the same time the amendment and restatement for EGTRRA was done, thereby saving the plan sponsor some money on document costs,
  • The other firm did not return phone calls!
We also took over a 401(k) plan from a different Third Party Administration firm and we got this case because:
  • The other firm never discovered that a stand-alone 401(k) no longer met the needs of this growing law firm.
  • The other firm never discussed the advantages of having a safe harbor 401(k) and how that would eliminate ADP test failures AND satisfy top heavy.
  • The other firm never discussed the benefits of having a cash balance plan.
  • The other firm never disclosed they were receiving revenue sharing from the recordkeeper.
  • We don’t have to be taught about client service.
  • We understand problem solving.
  • We disclose all revenue sharing.
  • We want to design plans that will grow with your business.
Tell your friends about us.

Jay Luber – (310) 212-2607 for prospect and new client issues,

Tobi Cogswell – (310) 212-2623 for prospect and new client issues, and 5500 reviews,
Jeff Esmond – (808) 389-5979 for all business in Hawaii

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