Friday, May 21, 2010

Changes to EFAST2 e-signature

By Yariel Chiong

The DOL has announced a new option that allows form preparers, such as ACI, to electronically sign 5500 forms on behalf of the Plan Administrator (client). This new option will be offered to our clients which do not have access to the internet or do not wish to receive signing credentials (User ID and PIN).

EFAST2 which applies to plan years beginning in 2009 states that Forms 5500 and 5500SF must be filed electronically with the Department of Labor (DOL). The Plan Administrator is required to receive signing credentials in order to electronically sign the Form 5500/5500SF posted by ACI to the FT Williams website. The client transmits the signed return to the DOL and also retains a physically signed copy of the return for their records. Instructions on how to electronically file your return were posted on our ACI blog in April and can be viewed at any time.
The EFAST2 I-File system has been updated to include a signing credential for service providers. In order to have ACI electronically sign on behalf of clients the following is needed:

1. Written authorization from the client will be required to allow us to electronically sign on their behalf using our credentials. This is different than the credentials the client receives from the DOL.

2. A paper copy of the Form 5500 must be manually signed by the employer and a pdf copy of the signed copy will be attached to the electronic filing done by ACI. Please note: the image of the first 2 pages of the manual employer signed Form 5500 will be visible on the DOL’s electronic public disclosure website. Having the manual client signature public visible raises the possibility of identity theft.

3. ACI will inform the employer of any inquiries from EFAST2, DOL, IRS or PBGC concerning the filing.

We recommend that plan sponsors still obtain their own signing credentials from the DOL and file their own Form 5500.

We will have more information regarding the new change soon for those clients wishing to have ACI sign the return on their behalf.

IRS Questionnaire

By Tobi Cogswell

The IRS announced last week that it will be sending compliance questionnaires to a number of 401(k) plans. These questionnaires are expected to go out at the end of May. They are 46 pages long. If you get one, you have 90 days (without extension) to complete and return it. Do not ignore it. It was confirmed last week at the NIPA Seminar that if you do not return the questionnaire you will be audited. Contact your plan administrator for help with the compliance questions. We will be happy to help you on a time and charges basis.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Protect Retirement Plans By Contacting Your Member Of Congress Now!

Congress is considering a proposal that will threaten the use of cross-testing used for defined contribution plans as well as combination defined contribution and defined benefit plan design. Specifically the ability to have different allocation formulas for different groups and the interest rates used in the calculation are in BIG JEOPARDY!

This affects the vast majority of small plans and many large plans. We need your help to send a strong message to Congress to stop this misguided proposal. Given this tough economy, now is not the time for Congress to make it more difficult to provide retirement benefits to employees.

We have made it easy for you. Please go to the link below and in a matter of seconds you can get the word out to your member of Congress that they should NOT pass any proposal negatively affecting retirement plans. Please feel free to get your employees involved since their benefits may be threatened as well.

Thanks for your support!


In the “take action” block of the link please select Small Business Owner or Practitioner as appropriate.

For Small Employers please modify the 1st paragraph and Practitioners the 4th paragraph.